2.4. Who will find this book useful and why?

This handbook aims to support higher education institutions in integrating content relating to the FAIR principles into their curricula and teaching. This involves a number of roles which contribute to this process at various levels.

To obtain a better grasp of the target audience(s) and their needs and expectations with regard to such a handbook, the book sprint started with an exercise dealing with personas representing different HEI staff groups for whom this work could be of relevance. The results of this exercise were used to develop the handbook's structure and content. For more information about the procedure and outcomes of the persona exercise, please refer to 'Appendix B – Target audience personas' of the the Deliverable published in Zenodo at https://zenodo.org/record/5905866 (see page 73).

The following table summarises the main areas of activity with regard to the implementation of the FAIR principles in teaching and guides readers to the chapters in which each of these is addressed.

Table 1: Fields of activity and relevant chapters

Area of activity

Roles concerned (examples)

Most relevant chapters

Lesson and course planning, creation, and teaching

Lecturers, professors, trainers, support staff

3 - FAIR Skills and Competences 4 - Teaching and training designs 5 - FAIR lesson plans

Design, implementation, and adaptation of curricula

Doctoral programme managers, deans

3 - FAIR Skills and Competences

Training of PhD students and early career researchers

Support staff, trainers, lecturers, professors

3 - FAIR Skills and Competences 4 - Teaching and training designs 5 - FAIR lesson plans

Consideration and implementation of FAIR in institutional strategies, policies, administration, and management

Vice presidents/Vice rectors/ Offices of research, data protection officer

6 - Implementing FAIR

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